We did a three week conference and revival in Kenya, Africa January of 2024. Several weeks before we were schedule to leave, the Holy Spirit told Kirk to look at the paperwork we’d have to fill out on the airplane. It turns out Kenya no longer accepted paperwork done on the airplane to enter their country. Instead, we had to do an e-visa. The process was grueling. We did Kirk’s and we were going to do Tiffany’s and our other apostle’s the next day or in a few days. However, the site went down, and we couldn’t do it. In the meantime, Kirk’s e-visa got approved in 3 days, which was a praise. Then the Holy Spirit told Kirk to look into ETA Kenya. Basically, Kenya was changing the e-visa program, and they were making it much more difficult to enter their country, and it looked like a vaccine passport would be necessary. That would mean we wouldn’t be able to go. However, there was one more week left before the end of the year that the e-visa would work if the site would come back up. So, we prayed and the next day the site was up for the e-visa. Tiffany quickly filled out her form, we prayed over it, and then our other apostle filled out his form and we prayed over that. In less than 24 hours, the Kenyan government approved both of the visas, just in time before the New Year’s holiday and the cut-off for the new program. Praise God! Many hearts were changed in Kenya because we were able to go! Halleluiah!
Kirk’s hip was hurting him for some time. He kept rebuking the pain and continuing to do the things healthy people do: run, walk, etc. However, the pain kept coming. He asked for prayer periodically, and still it hurt. Then one day, the Holy Spirit directed Tiffany to command certain things away from Kirk (like pain, the enemy, etc.) and to release healing to him. She did so, and the pain left! Praise God!
Tiffany was out in the cold for some time, and when she got home she had a hard time getting warm and started to feel sinus drainage and the beginning of a sickness. She immediately rebuked it and asked Kirk to pray. He commanded the sickness to die and commanded it out of her body. She immediately felt better, warmed up, and never got sick!
A young woman was having pain in her stomach each day, and we listened to the Holy Spirit. He said to take aloe water until the pain left and to chew her food more slowly and thoroughly. The pain left within days! Praise God 😊
A young woman with head pain was healed after commanding the pain to leave!
A praise report from one of our apostles in Ohio: Praise report on healing!! I have a 12-year-old dog that has had a large lump on his neck (an inch high and an inch and a half long) for about 3 years. About, "Healing" I remember Tiffany saying, " If it doesn't get healed right away don't give up.” I started praying about 2 weeks ago for the root of it to be cursed and die and to get out of my dog’s body. Every time I would pet him and feel the lump, I would command it to be gone. I had him at the vet for an unrelated reason and while waiting I began to pet him and felt the lump, and almost under my breath said, “Be gone in Jesus name,” and immediately it began to dissolve at the touch of my hand and in 30 seconds it was completely gone and flat. Jesus loves dogs!
A testimony from one our prayer partners: “Yesterday I burned my thumb on a pizza pan after I took it out of the 400 degree oven. I ran it under cold water for a bit then fell asleep in the recliner. I awoke in the middle of the night in pain. It seemed that a huge blister was starting to form. I then remembered what I've learned from you both. I used my authority to command the pain to leave my body and healing to come forth like it never even happened. I LITERALLY FELT THE PAIN IN MY THUMB GETTING LESS AND LESS! IT TOOK SECONDS FOR THE PAIN TO LEAVE! This morning there is still no pain, just some sensitivity when I press on my thumb pad. But NO BLISTER! I'm looking at my thumb and there is zero evidence that it was burned yesterday! (It's not even red!) WOW! More of this please! THANK YOU JESUS!”
A man who had nerve damage down his arm and a hand that didn’t work right, was healed after laying on of hands and commanding healing in Jesus’ name!
A baby who was unable to move much and unable to sit up, was totally healed after laying on of hands and releasing healing! We were sent pictures of her sitting up and playing!
Many people healed of head pain.
One of our intercessors laid hands on a man who he thought had pain in his eyes. After he prayed according to the Holy Spirit, he asked the man if the pain was gone. The interpreter said that the man could see now, but not well. Our intercessor said, “What? He couldn’t see?” Then he prayed for sight, and the man was healed! He could see! Praise Jesus!
Someone testified that Jesus totally took away her addiction to food. Praise God!